David Simons
Welcome to the personal home page and web site of David Simons !
Currently, David Simons is principal architect in the Chief-Architect Office of Royal Philips. He promotes standards-based and innersource-based specification of solution and ecosystem integration, enabling semantically-interoperable access to data and information, in data-driven value propositions. Specifically these specifications are based on HL7 FHIR, DICOM, and IHE interoperability standards.
Before that he worked as principal scientist and platform architect in the Connected Digital Platforms and Propositions (CDP2) group in Royal Philips, and as as solution architect on the Philips HealthSuite Digital Platform, within the Healthcare Informatics Software and Services organization in Philips Healthcare. This was a follow-up to his role as system architect in releasing the Philips HealthSuite eCareCoordinator / eCareCompanion solution from the Hospital-to-Home solutions group in Philips Healthcare. He started this role in the Home Monitoring / Lifeline organization. His initial role in Philips Healthcare was the senior product and content manager for the Motiva home telehealth program.
In the preceding years, David was a senior architect at Philips Research Europe in the area of healthcare systems architecture. From a technology perspective, he and his research team supported Philips businesses in medium-to-long term growth opportunities, particularly applications and services in the domains of remote patient management and personal and home healthcare.
In this context, he actively participated in the Continua Health Alliance Technical WG, notably as chair of the end-to-end architecture sub-team, with focus on the overarching and longer-term architectural aspects of the Continua, founding the interoperability framework.
Initially with Philips, Dr. Simons worked as a senior scientist in the area of connectivity middleware for CE home entertainment networking, contributing to both Philips’ corporate research programs and external research projects with European partners.
David Simons holds a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from the Eindhoven University of Technology. After living and working several years near Boston, MA, he now lives near Eindhoven, NL again, with his wife and their two sons.
Specialties: Platform architecture, remote and home healthcare systems architecture, telemonitoring, remote patient monitoring, telehealth, connected health, networking interoperability, connectivity middleware for CE home entertainment networking
Personal keywords: music, computers, electronics gadgets, Internet, driving car and motorbike, and photography.
David Simons, D.P.L. Simons, D. P. L. Simons, David P. L. Simons, David P.L. Simons, D. Simons, D Simons, DPL Simons, D P L Simons, David PL Simons, David Simons